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Unlock Your True Self: Are You a Brainwashed Slut? Take The Test. Only you will know. Dare You!


Enter the Ultimate Mind Control Experiment! Immerse yourself in an overwhelming state of pleasure. Let go and dive into a world where your deepest fantasies become reality. But there's a catch: can you truly be hypnotized? Sign up now and receive an exclusive training protocol straight from the book "Brainwashed Sluts."

Dear Friend,

Your skepticism is your shield, protecting the autonomy and integrity of your mind. But what if I revealed a method to access your deepest thoughts and desires without you even realizing it? No, it's not hypnosis, NLP, or any psychological practice you've heard of.

Allow me to introduce myself: they call me, Dr. Kill, a doctor of experiential psychology and the founder of the largest institute on hypnosis and sexuality since 2005. It's frightening, isn't it? But not as terrifying as the fact that every single day, unseen forces are manipulating you to become something you are not.

Are you ready to uncover the hidden pathways of your mind? Your natural, instinctive purpose is clear: to conquer, to spread your seed, and to fulfill your primal desires.

Yours truly,



It’s the hottest, most highly requested material I’ve ever developed. This isn't just a course; it's a gateway to unlocking untold power and pleasure. But here's the catch—you can't buy this material! No, I haven't lost my mind. This is something unlike anything you've ever encountered.

From the Desk of Dr. Kali DuBois

Dear Friend,

You are reading a letter that I never thought I would send. The number of calls asking me to release the secrets of "Brainwashed Sluts" keeps growing.

I never imagined I would let them out of my possession.

They call me a master of persuasion because I can teach these skills more quickly and simply than anyone else. But there is one set of skills I never wanted to share for a very important reason: they are too powerful and, quite frankly, too dangerous for the general public.

Years ago, a practitioner of provocative therapeutics used a technique on me that absolutely devastated me. At the time, I had no idea what it was or what it was called, but its power was undeniable. It took months to recover from its use and to regain my senses. It stripped away my identity and blurred my purpose for living. It was beyond nasty.

Today, I refer to that technique as "The Scramble." Only later did I realize that this was my first exposure to the "brainwashing" often discussed in the darkest circles.

In recent years, I've received numerous emails from people recounting how a select group of provocative therapeutic practitioners have used these patterns on them with explosive and often destructive effects. The frequency of these reports has been increasing.

One person who had undergone a provocative therapeutics training in Europe recently called me. During the training, the student had a disagreement with the practitioner. To get even, the practitioner used one of these destructive patterns on him.

Weeks passed. His life was a shambles. He couldn’t work. He lost all of his friends. He learned the power of brainwashing—against his will.

When brainwashing techniques are used, they can do more than just change an opinion; they can destroy and totally obliterate a mind. These effects persist until you get help or slowly, over time, piece your life back together. For some people, that may never happen, and the devastation is total.

What’s this got to do with you? Everything, if you want to protect yourself from the hidden power of these techniques and start becoming aware of how they are being used.

My trainings are comprehensive. I teach everything you need to know about persuasion, from power-rapport tactics to criteria elicitation and language patterns. If you master the techniques I teach you, you become a powerful persuader.

While these techniques can be used for positive persuasion, in many cases I’ve encountered, people are using them for destructive purposes. Lives are being destroyed—like mine nearly was.

My Dilemma

Here’s the problem I face: Once you learn these powerful sexual brainwashing techniques, you can easily recognize when someone tries to use them on you. These methods are spreading in the worst possible ways. A few trainers are using them to be nasty and vindictive.

Notice, I’m hearing about these techniques being used, not denials. So right now, the only way to learn about these techniques is to be on the receiving end with obvious consequences.

It’s DANGEROUSLY EASY To Cause Serious Harm With These Techniques!

Most people refuse to believe that this level of sexual power and control exists. But that’s like defending yourself using the “Ostrich” strategy—bury your head in the sand, and you’ll only get your butt kicked.

And remember... I CAN’T be pulling your leg. The entire professional persuasion community is watching. They are outraged that I want to make these techniques public.

The reason they are furious is that this is a closely guarded secret among the “elite” in this field. The few who know it aren’t about to release it under any conditions to anyone.

The only way I know it is that I was personally taught by the same person who used it on me a few years after I “snapped out of it.” I was shown the techniques and directed to use them on someone the trainer was upset with.

Imagine using these techniques to make someone utterly submissive, both mentally and physically. Picture the control, the dominance, the raw power of having someone’s deepest desires and fantasies at your command. It’s dark, it’s intense, and it’s irresistibly seductive.

These techniques don’t just change opinions; they reshape identities and desires, making someone crave your touch, your presence, your command. They’ll be drawn to you, unable to resist the magnetic pull of your influence.

But remember, with this power comes immense responsibility. Are you ready to wield it? Are you prepared to explore the depths of my sexual dominance and control? This is more than just a game; it’s a journey into the very fabric of desire and submission. Are you ready to take the plunge?

Well, listen up. You can start noticing these sexual reprogramming patterns in your life and protect yourself from them overnight. What’s more...

  • It doesn’t matter if you’ve read the latest hot seduction technique.
  • It doesn’t matter if you’ve been certified in any psychological methodology.
  • And... it doesn’t matter if you still think these brainwashing patterns don’t exist. Nope. The ONLY thing that matters... is your desire to start recognizing when someone starts to use these devastatingly powerful sexual brainwashing techniques on you.

The Next Level: Reprogramming You

Now, here’s where it gets truly unsettling. I'm going to start reprogramming you to be walking sluts, with an insatiable need to have your sexual fantasies fulfilled. Things will naturally start happening to you—you’ll find yourself effortlessly drawn into your sexual fantasies, as if a genie has granted your deepest wishes. Three of them to be exact.

Imagine living every day in a state where your desires are constantly at the forefront, guiding your actions and encounters. You'll be unable to resist the pull of your most forbidden fantasies, living them out in ways you never thought possible.

But don’t just take my word for it—only you will know once you have taken the test.


Kali DuBois

This isn't just a game; it’s a deep, psychological transformation that will alter the very core of your being. Are you ready to embrace the power and step into a world where your every fantasy becomes reality? Enter your email below and let's get started.
